A great deal of personal information is requested in your Will Questionnaire. Without all of the information requested, your Provider Law Firm can't ensure your wishes will occur or that the most comprehensive estate planning options have been advised. All information you provide them will remain strictly confidential.


  • Copy of your Prenuptial Agreement (if applicable)
  • Names and birth dates of your children and grandchildren (if applicable)
  • The name and contact information of the person you've chosen to be guardian of your child(ren), the trustee(s) of their estate, and your personal representative/executor
  • To best serve you in completing you Will for estate tax purposes, you'll be asked to provide the approximate dollar amount of such items as: your home, other real estate, bank accounts, vehicles, retirement plans, life insurance policies, and debts such as mortgages, loans, medical or others over $5,000.


  • This Will Questionnaire is NOT your Will. It will help your Provider Law Firm prepare your Will. All questions applicable to you MUST be completed in their entirety in order to have your Will prepared.
  • If you have questions while filling out this form, don't hesitate to call your Provider Law Firm at the number on your membership card. We can add specific state numbers later.
  • If you need the number to you firm call Member Services at 1-800-654-7757 (7 am - 7 pm, Mon-Fri, Central Time).

estate n. Everything that you own at your passing after payment of debts and taxes. You will make decisions regarding the percentage share of your estate that you wish to give to your beneficiaries. And if you wish, you may leave specific items of property (car, investments, heirlooms, etc.) or sums of money to your beneficiaries.

will n. A document which provides who is to receive your property, who will administer your estate, who will serve as guardian of your children, if applicable, and other provisions.

peace of mind n. The wonderful feeling you get as a LegalShield member after having your Will prepared by a qualified law firm at a reasonable price.

We understand that the will questionnaire requires a great deal of information and you may not be able to complete it on your first visit. We will send a link to the email address your provide so that you may return and complete the questionnaire at a later date.

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